How to Use drive a wedge between in a Sentence
drive a wedge between
And Mary uses this to try to further drive a wedge between Meredith and Lisa.
—Scott D. Pierce, The Salt Lake Tribune, 9 Jan. 2022
Who worked long and hard to drive a wedge between him and June, but never managed that, never.
—New York Times, 17 Mar. 2023
And there's an obvious place for Ron DeSantis to drive a wedge between Trump and his base.
—Nbc Universal, NBC News, 16 Apr. 2023
Chinese attempts to drive a wedge between EU countries have failed.
—The Economist, 11 June 2020
Unionists complain that these barriers drive a wedge between them and the rest of the United Kingdom.
—Mark Landler, New York Times, 17 Feb. 2023
At the same time, Western nations have seized the opportunity to drive a wedge between Putin and his African guests.
—Paul Sonne,, 26 July 2023
This was the moment the show was working toward, which would ultimately drive a wedge between Red and Liz.
—Alamin Yohannes,, 23 Apr. 2021
Instead of letting this drive a wedge between you, the universe is calling you to be creative and think outside of the box to find a compromise.
—Tarot Astrologers, Chicago Tribune, 12 Apr. 2023
As a result, his government has sought to curry favor with other states in the Horn and to drive a wedge between Ethiopia and its neighbors.
—Michael Woldemariam, Foreign Affairs, 10 Aug. 2020
Some speculated the Turkish leader was trying to drive a wedge between the crown prince and his father, King Salman, and to sideline the young leader.
—Washington Post, 28 Apr. 2022
Something or someone who distracts you might drive a wedge between you and a partner or slow down your performance.
—oregonlive, 26 June 2020
These sanctions are designed to drive a wedge between Putin and Russia’s ruling elite and induce the kleptocrats to challenge the Kremlin.
—Sam Greene, Foreign Affairs, 22 Sep. 2023
Hunger, fear and desperation drive a wedge between the brothers when Nolan begins to doubt his mother’s dire warnings and plots to set out ropeless in search of food.
—David Rooney, The Hollywood Reporter, 3 Sep. 2019
With this bombshell, Larys is obviously trying to drive a wedge between Alicent and Rhaenyra, and he's done a stellar job!
—Brendan Morrow, The Week, 18 Sep. 2022
This term and the beliefs that accompany it are often used by white people as a way to drive a wedge between groups who have suffered to this day under white supremacy.
—Jeff Raikes, Forbes, 27 May 2021
Trump’s opponents have attempted to drive a wedge between the president and the military.
—Mackubin Owens, Washington Examiner, 22 Oct. 2020
Trump has tried to capitalize on the strike to drive a wedge between Biden and union workers, a constituency that helped pave the way for the ex-president’s surprise 2016 victory.
—Jill Colvin, Fortune, 27 Sep. 2023
The pace of innovation, while thrilling for some, has also begun to drive a wedge between generations of Deaf culture.
—New York Times, 26 July 2022
Russia has for six years been backing a separatist war in two eastern provinces of Ukraine while trying to drive a wedge between Kyiv and its Western allies.
—New York Times, 9 Jan. 2021
This not only negatively impacts your connection with him but has the potential to drive a wedge between you and your daughter.
—R Eric Thomas, Baltimore Sun, 19 July 2024
In the long run, Western governments may hope sanctions will drive a wedge between Putin and Russia’s elite, weakening the autocrat’s power.
—Nicolás Rivero, Quartz, 27 Feb. 2022
Social media continues to drive a wedge between people with divergent points of view.
—Ann Kowal Smith, Forbes, 26 Feb. 2024
The change comes as Democrats work to drive a wedge between GOP lawmakers and their base of older voters who rely on government programs for income and health insurance.
—Arkansas Online, 18 Feb. 2023
The idea would be to drive a wedge between some European governments and Washington and between western Europe and eastern Europe.
—Liana Fix, Foreign Affairs, 12 Sep. 2023
But as Democrats settle into pro-union messaging, Republicans are using the walkout to drive a wedge between the union and Biden's push for electric vehicles.
—Compiled By Democrat-Gazette Staff From Wire Reports, Arkansas Online, 19 Sep. 2023
Instead of news, the websites carried propaganda intended to drive a wedge between Ukraine and its western allies.
—David Klepper, ajc, 5 Oct. 2022
Western officials cannot wish this axis away, hoping in vain that the Kremlin bridles at its vassalage to Zhongnanhai or making futile attempts to drive a wedge between the two powers.
—Alexander Gabuev, Foreign Affairs, 9 Apr. 2024
Khan claimed Tuesday that his political opponents tried to drive a wedge between him and the army which traditionally plays an out-sized role in Pakistan politics.
—Munir Ahmed, ajc, 6 Sep. 2022
In addition, authors of the General Handbook have added new language admonishing members not to let politics drive a wedge between them.
—The Salt Lake Tribune, 12 Aug. 2021
Again, a first period is used to symbolize a character’s coming of age, but also to drive a wedge between the two characters, as Richard accuses Emmeline of keeping secrets from him.
—Tina Charisma, Vulture, 1 Apr. 2021
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'drive a wedge between.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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